Monday 29 June 2020

spanish learning

this is what i have been doing in get creative time over the past week. hope you like it.

Thursday 25 June 2020

the container race

Hesitantly I lined up behind a container. “ do i gotta do this”? I muttered. The aim of the game was to fill your container the most in one minute. The teacher explained the rules, but i didn’t listen. A familiar pair of butterflies in my stomach were back. When the teacher yelled “ GO”, I grabbed my cup and ran  forward. The bucket was 10 meters away, the water a honey whiskey colour. As I scooped up some water, I saw Charlie race back to his container and deposit his water. I hurried back and did the same thing. This went on for another pressuring 50 seconds that felt like an hour.  When the teacher yelled “STOP”, i let out a sigh of relief. I put my cup in the recycling bin and sat down finally it was over. I sat down and it was the other teams turn. Most of them cheated, but oh well. Walking back to class, my thoughts turned to writing and what i would do. Now i know because you just read it.

Friday 19 June 2020

get creative

we have been doing get creative and this is what i have done. hope you like it.

describing a setting

As I sat down on the bench, I thought about a particular “friend”. How could they?!?!?! Everyone knew it was mean and embarrassing to tell your old crush you like them. My thoughts were a swirling mass of hate and betrayal. Sighing, I looked out at the field. It was silent, making an exception for the kids in the gym. The trees were dead looking from autumn and all the leaves were on the ground or in the process of doing so. The daisies were white flecks against the forest green field. The birds were chirping with no care in the world and the distant sea-gull skreached and whistled from the air. There was a slight breeze. It twisted and floated like it was a sunny day but it wasn't. The sky was a milky grey that promised rain, puddles, and wet socks. It probably felt the same way as me. The distant hills loomed out of the distance, an inky black colour. The faint hum of tyres from straight highway one. It was here that I realised that I was calm. That this was my happy place.

The end

Friday 5 June 2020

My review on nail polish

Hi!. My name is Leo. I'm a year 7 at Otaki college on the Kapiti Coast. My review is on a tiny bottle of nail polish. These are the pros and cons on the subject.

Firstly, the usability is horrendous. It chipped easily and quickly. It didn’t dry very well and when it did it was lumpy. Half of it wasn't even there!.

Secondly, it was cheap and tacky and the bottle was as small as half my pinky finger. The colours were terrible! Would you cover your fingernails in mustard yellow or bogger green? No? Yeah, i didn't think so.

Thirdly, the cap would come apart from the brush, making it a nightmare to open and when it did, the brush was stuck together with nail polish( basically it was stuck together with hot pink glue).

So, that is my thought on the matter on the topic of nail polish. The reason I'm probably doing nail polish is because I HATE the stuff!!! It feels so unnatural and bad.I can't stand it!! I don't wear it on my fingers for that exact reason! Anyway, this is my opinion on nail polish.

By Leo

Tuesday 2 June 2020

my thoughts on should socal meidia be alowed to store our personal info?

Hi my name is Leo . I’m 11 and a year 7 at Otaki college on the Kapiti coast. My question is should social media be allowed to store and hold our personal info? The answer is No.

Firstly if apps can get hold of your personal information, they can learn everything about you but they are strangers, also if you say too much it can be used against you. People can get your passwords and sometimes get into your bank account.

Secondly, some sites like Facebook or Instagram save all the photos you post, even the ones you delete. This makes the site untrustworthy with your personal things like your age and address.

Thirdly, on the plus side, the game can set itself up to your age level. Others use your comments or suggestions to make the game or app better.

My final opinion is that No, social media should not be allowed to store our personal info. Yes it might make the app or site beter, but do they all? The true answer is no, not really. Gaming sites like Roblox, save your conversations with other players and tell the big company owners what you like and send ads using that information and think you will click and go by something because you like it. That is my opinion on should social media store our info.

By Leo